Song Challenge Day 4 — A Song That Makes Me Sad

To make the Post A Day 2011 challenge a bit more bearable, I’ve set up a couple of regular features. Saturdays are for reviews and Sundays are for song lyrics. But I’m out of song lyric ideas, so I wanted a new regular Sunday feature. Keeping the music theme I’ve been using, I’m undertaking the 30 Day Song Challenge as a weekly project.

Week 4 — A Song That Makes Me Sad

“If You Ask,” Lori McKenna


Oh, gosh. I cry just about every time I hear this song.

(The live video above isn’t bad, but lacks the power of the album version. Some people may also know if from the whitewashed Faith Hill cover. Lyrics can be found here.)

Part of the reason it has such an effect on me is personal.

I’ve lived a lot of that song. I’ve been the person that the addict comes home to, regretting giving in to the demons that they just can’t shake. It convicts me. Should I have been more like this song? Should I have been more patient? And it’s too late now. And there is a sadness in that.

But it’s also just a powerful and devastating picture of grace and unconditional love. The song deals specifically with patiently loving someone with a problem; what it’s like to care for someone, to want what’s best for them, and to be utterly unable to do anything about it.

The truth in the song is bigger than that, though. We all want to be loved. But we can’t make anyone love us. It’s a beautiful picture of what it is to love someone unconditionally. To say, “Whatever you do, where ever you go, I’m here for you. Even if you don’t return my love, even if you don’t want my love, I offer it.” Because ultimately, that’s all we can do. I can’t choose whether you love me. I can only choose whether I love you.

But to take it a step further, it’s a beautiful picture of how God loves us. He actually could make us love Him. But He doesn’t. He stands with an outstretched open hand, and waits. It’s our choice whether to accept or reject the gift, He offers it regardless.

It’s devastating to be the person standing there with open arms, and to be ignored. It’s devastating to think how many times God waits for me with open arms, and I ignore Him.

It kinda makes me sad.

If you call my name, I will come
If you ask for my love, I will give you some