Review: “Unglued Devotional” by Lysa TerKeurst

I read this book somewhat by accident. I was looking at the books that were available for review on Booksneeze, and of the options they had, this one stood out the most, sounding like an interesting devotional on keeping cool through the stresses of life. What I didn’t pick up from the description was that it’s written from the perspective of a mom and wife, and very much for an audience of people like her. Which I’m kind of not.

Accidental as it may have been, I was glad I chose the book and read it. Moment of transparency: I’m reading the earlier devotionals about dealing with stress and still staying calm and about treating others better and the like, and I thought to myself, “I know exactly who needs to read this book, someone who desperately needs to learn all these lessons.” And then I read a bit further to the devotionals about empathy and not judging others, and I realize that the person who really needed to be reading the book was me. With that bit of humility firmly emplaced, I started getting a lot more out of it.

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